Graphic Design

Procedures and Expectations

  1. Lesson: Great Expectations
  2. Lesson: Using Your Sketchbook/The Studio
  3. Lesson: Get In The Routine
  4. Lesson: Use of Class Time
  5. Lesson: Navigate the Studio
  6. Lesson: Safety in the Classroom
  7. Lesson: Using Drive
  8. Lesson: Creativity
  9. Lesson: Copyright


  1. Lesson: What is Design?
  2. Lesson: Principles of Design
  3. Lesson: Careers in Design
  4. Lesson: Typography
  5. Lesson: Raster vs Vector

Project: Making a wooden puzzle

The project will help you practice the duties of a graphic illustrator. Graphic Illustrators make digital drawings and designs that are used in products like puzzles, posters, illustrated books and comics, stickers and much more.

Using the following tutorials and references we will learn how to build an .svg and use a glowforge (laser engraver and cutter).

  1. Lesson: Puzzle part 1
  2. Lesson: Puzzle part 2
  3. Lesson: Puzzle part 3

Project: Package Design

  1. Lesson: Drawing our logo
  2. Lesson: Package Design Lid
  3. Lesson: Package Assembly

Project: Making a Brochure

  1. Lesson: Clients
  2. Lesson: Brochure 1
  3. Lesson: Brochure 2

Project: Mini Zine

  1. Lesson: Mini Zine