
Procedures and Expectations

  1. Lesson: Great Expectations
  2. Lesson: Using Your Sketchbook/The Studio
  3. Lesson: Get In The Routine
  4. Lesson: Use of Class Time
  5. Lesson: Navigate the Studio
  6. Lesson: Safety in the Classroom
  7. Lesson: Cleaning Part 1
  8. Lesson: Cleaning Part 2
  9. Lesson: Creativity


  1. Lesson: Wedging
  2. Lesson: Score/Slip/Smooth
  3. Lesson: Ceramic Tools
  4. Lesson: Throwing a cup
  5. Lesson: Moisture Management
  6. Lesson: Trimming/Finishing
  7. Lesson: Sculpture
  8. Lesson: Throwing a bowl
  9. Lesson: Glazing Basics
  10. Lesson: Masking
  11. Lesson: Kiln


  1. Lesson: WOW Project
  2. Lesson: Artist Statement
  3. Lesson: Art Portfolio Creation