Lesson: Mini Zine


Please watch Mini Zine in its entirety.

The completion of this lesson is designed to help you make your own Zine. You can choose the theme but you must adhere to the following requirements...


  1. Each side of each page must be 100% completed
  2. All pages must be colored in some form
  3. No scribble lines (smooth even coverage without white poking through)
  4. Must have a cover page with a title
  5. Must be 1 theme
  6. Should utilize C.R.A.P. If you don’t know what this is, see Principles of Design

Theme ideas

  • Sports
  • Animals
  • Hobbies
  • Nature
  • Ideas/Dreams
  • Holidays or a holiday
  • TV/Media
  • Crafts
  • Family